Searched for:  ZNF148

ZNF148 mutations modulate:

List of mutations that drive a causal flow containing a regulator followed by a downstream bicluster. Survival is the Cox proportional hazards regression of the bicluster eigengene versus paitent survival. Hallmark(s) is the hallmarks of cancer associated with the bicluster genes. Legend for hallmarks:
Hallmarks of Cancer
Hanahan and Weinberg, Cell 2011

Mutations in ZNF148 are not predicted modulate anything in gbmSYGNAL.

ZNF148 regulates:

List of biclusters regulated by the regulator that was searched. Next to the regulator in parentheses is the regulators mechanism of action (Act. = activator and Rep. = repressor). Survival is the Cox proportional hazards regression of the bicluster eigengene versus paitent survival. Hallmark(s) is the hallmarks of cancer associated with the bicluster genes. Legend for hallmarks:
Hallmarks of Cancer
Hanahan and Weinberg, Cell 2011
RegulatorRegulated Biclusters
Regulator (Action)BiclusterSurvival (p-value)Hallmark(s)
ZNF148 (Rep.)TFBS_DB_281-2.06 (3.9E-02)Genome instability and mutation

Biclusters containing ZNF148:

List of biclusters that contain the genes that was searched. Var. Exp. FPC is the variance explained by the first principal component and is a good measure of bicluster co-expression. Survival is the Cox proportional hazards regression of the bicluster eigengene versus paitent survival. Hallmark(s) is the hallmarks of cancer associated with the bicluster genes. Legend for hallmarks:
Hallmarks of Cancer
Hanahan and Weinberg, Cell 2011

Not in any biclusters.